10 Ways to Earn Your Friendly and Helpful Daisy Petal

How to earn yellow friendly and helpful daisy girl scout petal

A little bit of kindness goes a long way. Reinforcing the “Friendly and Helpful” aspect of the Girl Scout Law, even if your daughter has completed her yellow Daisy petal, is never a bad thing!

10 ways to earn the Friendly and Helpful Daisy Girl Scout Petal

  1. Open the doors for guests at your church or meeting location.
  2. Read Hodge the Hedgehog.
  3. Learn about friendly greetings around the world.
  4. Play “Friendly…or Not?”
  5. Make “Helping Hands.”
  6. Create a troop kaper chart.
  7. Talk about “Put-ups” versus “Put-downs.” Challenge the girls to do five “put-ups” during the next week.
  8. Talk about “filling the bucket” with kind acts.
  9. Join an older troop on a community service project, or create one yourself. (Granted at this age, you will have to do 90% of the logistics, but it is a beautiful experience for your girls and it’s amazing what you can accomplish. Check out what our Daisies did when a tornado devastated a community.)
  10. Create a coupon book for your parents.


Want more ideas? Pin 50 ways to make a difference without spending a single penny.

Note: This post does contain an affiliate link, which helps support our scouting adventures and this blog.

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