Gold Key Ceremony For Cadettes Bridging To Senior Girl Scouts

Many leaders look for a “Gold Key” ceremony for girls bridging into Senior Girl Scouts. Here is one ceremony script you can use. Adapt for the size of the troop.


Tonight we gather to honor those girls that have completed their journey in Cadette Girl Scouts. These girls are ready to accept the challenges offered to them in the Senior Girl Scout program. The challenges are great, but the rewards are even greater.

As you move up to the final levels of Girl Scouting, you enter a world of new friends, new travels, new discoveries and new dreams. The high school years are not the end of your Girl Scout journey, but rather the beginning of a another new and exciting journey, and tonight we offer you the keys to unlock doors to the world of Senior Girl Scouts and the Gold Award.

Have 11 gold candles (or white candles tied with gold ribbon/bows) arranged in a straight line on a table. 11 keys are cut from gold poster board (or white covered with gold foil or spray painted). On these are written:     PERSONAL GROWTH, UNDERSTANDING, FRIENDSHIP, VALUES, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, CHOICE, LEADERSHIP, SERVICE, THE WORLD, GOLD AWARD. As each candle is lit, the key (taped to the table) is flipped over the side of the table, so the audience can see it and what it says. Or, 12 Senior girls may hold up the keys. Or, if you have a lot of girls, one may light the candle, while one reads the part taped to the back of the key she is holding up.


#1 – I light this candle to represent the key to PERSONAL GROWTH. As I discover and develop all my talents and abilities may I always try to help others to discover theirs.

#2 – I light this candle to represent the key to UNDERSTANDING  As I learn to accept who I am, may I always be accepting of who others are, no matter how different they may be. 

#3 – I light this candle to represent the key to FRIENDSHIP. As I make new friends, may I never forget the old, for one is silver and the other gold.  

#4 – I light this candle to represent the key to VALUES. As I discover what I value most, may I always protect my own values while respecting the values of others, no matter how different from my own.

#5 – I light this candle to represent the key to INTEGRITY. As I learn to always “do the right thing”, may I remember to be honest and fair in all my dealings.

#6 – I light this candle to represent the key to RESPECT. As I learn to give respect to those around me, and respect the rules I am given, may I  gain the respect of others. 

#7 – I light this candle to represent the key to CHOICE. As I make more choices in my life, may I always be guided by the Girl Scout Promise and Law and my own values. 

#8 – I light this candle to represent the key to LEADERSHIP. As I learn to lead others, may I always lead them down the right path and remember that one day they shall also become leaders. 

#9 – I light this candle to represent the key to SERVICE. As I learn that I can do no greater good in this world than to give of myself to others, may I never forget those less fortunate than myself. 

#10 – I light this candle to represent the key to THE WORLD. As I learn to protect it and its resources may I better understand it and improve it through my words and actions. 

#11 – I light this candle to represent the key to the GOLD AWARD. As I work hard to achieve the highest award available to any Girl Scout may I never forget those who helped me along the way.  


As your name is called please cross over the bridge and receive your bridging patch and your gold key. 

All girls cross the “bridge” and receive a gold key and patch from the leader or older Girl Scouts.


You have each received a gold key. Protect it and cherish it for it is your key to a whole new world. The key represents your challenge to look wider still in all you do while always remembering to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, responsible for what you say and do, respectful of yourself and others, respectful of  authority, wise in your use of resources, and always trying to make the world a better place while being a sister to every Girl Scout. If you are willing to accept this challenge please raise your right hand in the Girl Scout sign and repeat the Girl Scout promise with me. (all girls and leader say the promise together)


Gold Key Ceremony for bridging to Senior Girl Scouts

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