gallery Spooky Eyes: $1 Upcycled Halloween Craft

Easy Scout Halloween Craft. Great for Cub Scouts, Daisies and Brownie Girl Scouts.Need a simple Halloween craft that ups the spooky without invoking gore? Let your scouts take a stab (no pun intended) at making spooky glow-in-the-dark eyes for their home bathroom or windowsill. (The braver ones, of course, can keep them in their rooms!)

This simple dollar store craft requires two things: glow sticks (which are usually sold 10-15 to a package, lots of empty toilet paper rolls and tape, if desired.

If you’re planning on doing this craft with your scout troop or class, I’d recommend stocking up on empty toilet paper rolls early, tapping into parents or seeing if your local recycling district has them available.

The project itself is so easy. Cut out different eye shapes in the toilet paper rolls, and put a glow stick inside. Cover the ends with scrap paper or tape them closed. 
Recycle a toilet paper roll into a spooky Halloween craft,

Place around your room, and you’ll have some eyes out at nighttime!

Want more Halloween craft and party ideas? Check out these past posts:

Dollar store Halloween craft, Perfect for cub scouts, Daisies and Brownies.


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