5 Archery Games for Cadettes

Cadette Girl Scouts archery badgeArchery is one of the favorite outdoor activities we have during Girl Scout camp each summer. I love it because each girl ultimately competes against herself, and we celebrate each scout’s achievements as an archer.

Shooting an arrow at a target may not be satisfying enough. That’s when it’s time to up the competition.

If you’re looking for games to play with your Girl Scouts while doing archery for fun or while working on earning your Cadette archery badge, here are 5 games to get you going:

5 archery games for Cadette girl Scouts

1. Hunt thee some storm troopers.

This may have been one of my favorite games so far (and one that I desperately wish I had photos of!) During our Star Wars inspired camping unit, we had the girls up the antee by targeting some printout photos of storm troopers, Darth Vader and other evil characters.

2. Balloon tournament.

Tape balloons to your targets. The archer who pops the most balloons on her target wins.

3. Pin the pumpkin.

It’s fall. Find the biggest pumpkin you can find and set it in front of your target. See who can get the most arrows in the pumpkin.

4. Play Jeopardy.

Tape cards with categories and point values in a grid over your target. Teams alternate between shooting a card then have the opportunity to answer the question for points.

5. Play Tic Tac Toe.

This is definitely a working on accuracy kind of game. Tape a Tic Tac Toe grid in your target and take turns shooting to achieve your row, column or diagonal of arrows.

Girl Scout Ambassador council's own archery badge; visit GirlScoutShop.com and search for archery.Archery: There’s a badge for that!

Even if you’re not a Cadette, you can still earn an archery badge or patch from several councils. Visit GirlScoutShop.com and search for archery.

You’ll find patch programs as well as council’s own badges from Juniors through Ambassadors.

 How you energize your girls for archery? Share your ideas below!


  1. I really like the Storm Trooper idea! We used balloons for our last Campout, when we earned the Archery badge. I liked it because they were easy to pack.

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