10 Ways to Earn Your Honest and Fair Daisy Girl Scout Petal

honest and fair daisy petal ideas

1. Host a game night.
2. Do a project that requires you to share supplies or take turns.
3. Read Fair is Fair.
4. Play Is this fair?
5. At snack time, have the girls divide up snacks like Goldfish crackers, or an unequal number of treats.
6. If your troop is of Christian background, share Bible lessons on honesty.
7.Read the Native American legend, How the Rabbit Got Its Ears.
8. Talk about tolerance. Divide girls by birthday, eye color. etc. for a special treat. Is that fair?
9.Role play fairness.
10. Make an integrity bookmark.

What other ideas do you have for teaching the values of honesty and fairness to your scouts? Share your ideas below!

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