Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration with Our Scouts

divine mercy sunday girl scout patchdivine mercy sunday patchDivine Mercy Sunday, the Sunday after Easter,  has largely been marked as a Catholic tradition,  but it’s message is truly beautiful: trusting in the unending mercy of our God.

Our troop was gifted these patches by a parent one year, and I struggled with ideas for how the girls could “earn” it.  I am a firm believer that a patch should stand for something.

There are endless Divine Mercy crafts and activities on Pinterest. Just a sampling we considered:

In the end,  we had no crafty activities,  no games or puzzles. Instead, our girls and others from troops at our church held a brief Divine Mercy prayer service on Divine Mercy Sunday, which happened to be at the end of our service unit camporee. We settled around the fire ring on the cool spring morning.


Each girl received a prayer card of how to say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and we went around the campfire ring, each girl leading a prayer in turn. It was simple but so beautiful.

Want more ways to mix your faith with scouting?

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